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CounselingCalifornia.com: California's Searchable Directory of Therapists

CounselingCalifornia.com is California's lifeline to nearly 8,000 licensed marriage and family therapists as well as other mental heath professionals who can help you or someone you love manage life's challenges.

At its heart, CounselingCalifornia.com contains a comprehensive searchable directory of qualified marriage and family therapists (MFTs) and other psychotherapists licensed to practice in the state of California. From surviving divorce to coping with depression, CounselingCalifornia.com provides valuable resources for managing difficult life challenges. You can even e-mail search results to friends in need of a helping hand and get advice on everything you need to know about working with a MFT, including common payment arrangements and tips on selecting a therapist.

Find a Therapist You Can Trust
Therapists listed on CounselingCalifornia.com are licensed mental health professionals who have a minimum of a masters level degree, at least 3,000 hours of supervised experience gained prior to licensure, and have passed rigorous examinations.

Most every therapist listed on CounselingCalifornia.com is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT). CAMFT is a non-profit association dedicated to educating the public about mental health issues and ensuring that its members adhere to an exceptionally high standard of professional ethics.

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CounselingCalifornia.com can help you find the best therapist for your situation or area. You can quickly search for a therapist by:

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